Mexico Mission

        Teaching To Evangelize Locally


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Welcome to the

The Mexico Mission Fund (MMF) was started by the church of Christ on Hwy 10 in Greenwood, Arkansas back in 1973. Brother Elmer Beshears, Brother Earl Pryor and Brother Howard Brownfield made a trip to Mexico and the work began with Joel Najera in Salamanca, GTO. For a number of years an annual bus trip was made by various individuals from the United States. A school of preaching was established in the church building that was constructed in Salamanca, and Bro. Joel Najera and Bro. Javier Najera were the instructors.

The MMF board and its advisors consists of members of the church of Christ from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and California. Teams of two to four men travel to Mexico once or twice a year. The MMF is supported by individuals, churches and foundations from across the United States. We support evangelists in Mexico, help with construction of buildings and also assist in benevolent works.



Mexico Mission Fund     P.O. Box 995     Greenwood, AR 72936